For some people, dental procedures can cause severe stress and anxiety, in which case we can perform the treatment with anaesthesia/sedation.

Our clinic can administer anaesthesia orally (by taking medication), intravenously, or by inhalation (a mixture of sevoflurane and oxygen).

At Era Esthetic Dental, sedation is performed by a resuscitation specialist/anaesthetist. Before the procedure, you will first be screened to make sure that you can handle anaesthesia, and then our specialists will inform you separately about preparation for sedation.

What do you need to know before anaesthesia?

The patient should stop eating and drinking non-clear liquids (milk, beverages with milk or cream, juice with pulp, baby formula) at least six hours before the procedure.

The patient should stop drinking clear liquids (water, mineral water, tea, soft drinks, juice without pulp) at least two hours before the procedure. Sucking hard candy/lollipops, chewing gum and smoking should also be avoided.

If the procedure is scheduled for early in the morning, it is best not to eat or drink after midnight. If the appointment is at a later time, you can have a light snack and drink sweetened tea in the morning, according to the instructions above.

After the procedure, it is recommended that the patient be accompanied by at least one adult. If you do not have an escort, we recommend staying longer at the clinic – we will make sure that you are comfortable and then call a taxi to take you home. Public transport is not recommended.

Clear liquids are permitted two hours after the procedure, or, with the permission of the anaesthetist, even earlier, provided that you are not dizzy or nauseous.

You can eat soft, mild food once the numbness of the mouth, lips and tongue caused by local anaesthesia passes, or once the dentist allows you too. Do not eat food that is hard to chew and swallow (nuts, biscuits, etc.)

Service prices

Price, Eur
Gydymas bendrinėje nejautroje - pirmoji gydymo valanda
350 eur
Kiekviena papildoma gydymo bendrinėje nejautroje valanda
50 eur
Premedikacija sevoflurano dujomis
90 eur


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